Purpose: The truth shall make you free (John 8:32)
Warning: Avoid empty doctrines (Mark 7:7)
What is the difference between a prediction and a prophecy? The difference is easy to explain in terms of mathematical probability.
For example, the probability of a prediction coming true can range from a 0% to 100% chance.
However, a prophesy always comes true 100% of the time … without fail!
Is America described or mentioned in Bible prophecy? No … but there is a sad but terrifying possibility for that reason (i.e., America will cease to exist).
Many think that America is more evil than sin itself … and fulfills all of the characteristics of Revelation 18.
Babylon the Great (also known as the whore of Babylon), can refer to either a symbolic female figure or a place of evil mentioned in the Bible. America’s evil is becoming unequalled by in other nation in history.
Even so, America is extremely powerful … and seems exceedingly drunk in its own greed, gluttony, and evil. America now produces more total pornographic materials than the rest of the world combined!
Bickering political parties imprison their citizens with lies while amassing power and riches for themselves … under the false show of nonexistent equality, liberty, and freedom.
Note: The Catholic Church has been attacked for thousands of years as the whore of Babylon by many other church denominations.
While this has been a destructive distraction … the world has also been deceived by the false doctrines of many other churches … who have cleverly deceived others by the same Blind Faith doctrines under other names.
Make no mistakes about it. America is, and has been, one of the most wonderful and fantastic nations in the world’s history … but seems unable to take advantage of its blessings.
I miss America every time I leave it to travel outside of it. There is simply no nation on earth like it. However, like Adam and Eve … having everything just never seems to be enough … for the greedy and gluttonous.
I believe that America will be punished for its grievous sins … but not everyone will suffer to the same degree (Luke 12:48).
I do believe that America will be disabled as a functioning nation … but not by any foreign power (i.e., nuclear destruction). My belief is that GOD will deliver the fatal blow to America in one of two ways … and this judgment will affect the entire world.
An asteroid strike in the right place could cause catastrophic damage to the entire earth, which could result in the deaths of millions of people.
The right place could be an asteroid-strike in Wyoming, USA in one of the largest super volcano systems in the world … Yellowstone Super Volcano.
The impact pressures of an asteroid strike … and the resulting release of volcanic gases and ash … could have long-lasting, catastrophic effects around the world.
Volcanologists and archeologists might have some computers powerful enough to estimate damage from diverse sizes of asteroids traveling at various speeds and angles.
Scientists estimate that Yellowstone Super volcano last erupted about 640,000 years ago, but do not think it will happen again naturally for thousands of years.
But could it happen again sooner under the right circumstances?
Sure, with an asteroid impact. But an impact-induced volcanic eruption is not predicable … or is it?
If we are astute enough … we might realize that such an event as a Yellowstone Super Volcano eruption could be tied to prophecy (Revelation 6-12).
Earthquakes are often closely related to volcanic eruptions … and an earthquake associated with a super volcano eruption such as Yellowstone Super Volcano could be enormous.
The amount of volcanic ash thrown into the air could have visible effects on the appearance of the sun and moon for months … or even years.
It is very possible that Yellowstone Super Volcano will erupt (one way or another) in the end-time judgments … and America will be forever diminished as a nation.
Since America will be destroyed … either by natural events or by nuclear war … it will not have a place in Biblical prophecy.
Even though America will not have any importance to be mentioned in Bible prophesy … it will be diminished to have little or no importance as a superpower in the Millennium.
What people really want to know is what they will be like after their death and resurrection … and where they will be. Get the powerful book below that also answers questions like that … and many others.
Get this book: GOD’s Truth About Blind Faith … for Dizzy Dummies (by Rev. Randall Braxton Spell, Jr., DD).
Rev. Randall Braxton Spell, Jr., BS, M.Ed, DD
Addendum: Since many believe that the Christian Church will be raptured before the Millennium. Many also believe that the 144,000 virgin male Jews will continue with GOD’s message as delivered by Jesus Christ (Mark 16:15) … but not as a Jewish-type message from the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible), Jewish laws, traditions, and values. A new Jewish temple may be built … but it will NOT flow with sacrificial blood.
Note:* Just in case … Click code: One-4-U … before moving to Heaven. (*Public service notice.)