Purpose: The truth shall make you free (John 8:32)
Warning: Avoid empty doctrines (Mark 7:7)
This may be the most important blog you will ever read. However, these blogs are not intended to be all inclusive. They are meant to provide enough information to spark further investigation by the reader.
Because this is the most destructive religious subject ever created to control people, their minds, and their wealth … it is vitally important for them to know that they do not have an immortal soul … BUT they can get one!
Many people will understand that a living soul is a functioning spirit-activated live body. By contrast, a dead body has no spirit … because the spirit has already returned to GOD who gave it at conception (Ecclesiastes 12:7).
This blog may be difficult to understand because there can be tremendous emotional attachments to the idea that humans have an immortal soul. I will try to keep explanations short and concise … but leave room for deeper explorations.
We are told in Genesis 1:26 that the spirit of man (not man’s body) was created by GOD … and in GOD’ image … because the image of GOD is a spirit (John 4:24).
The first human body was created by GOD later from the dust of the earth (Genesis 2:7). The purpose of the flesh-human body is for the incarnation of the human spirit.
Human beings subsequently procreate … and GOD implants a previously created human spirit into each one of them at conception (i.e., NOT at fertilization … because life does not begin at fertilization … it begins at conception),
In Genesis 3:22, we see that GOD put a guard around the Tree of Life so that Adam and Even could not eat of it and live forever. But GOD does give the Tree of Life back to the redeemed in the New Jerusalem (Revelation 22:1-2) … after earth’s destruction.
It is true that human beings are born with a spirit given to them at conception (i.e., a fertilized human egg that has attached to the uterus wall and is growing). A fertilized egg will not receive a spirit until it is conceived (i.e., when life begins as a human being).
This next observation will be extremely difficult for most people to accept until they understand the truth about immortality and everlasting life.
Many teachers try to corrupt the meaning of the word perish (i.e., cease to exist) in John 3:14-16. Astute people realize that human beings do not receive eternal life unless they first do something … receive and obey the gospel message of Jesus Christ.
A human being is NOT born with an immortal spirit … and the spirit cannot receive immortality … until the body dies, and the spirit returns to GOD.
In eternity-future (i.e., after the Millennium begins), Jesus Christ will have two types of judgment events.
The first judgment is the granting of rewards and eternal life (Revelation 22:12) to His raptured saints. That is confusing because there are two rapture events (i.e., pre-millennial and post-millennial) … and logically, there are two “rewards” judgments. (See the blog: Two Different Raptures.)
There is a separate judgment event is called the White-Throne judgment (Revelation 20:11). This judgment occurs for all those condemned human spirits who will be resurrected (i.e., not raptured in either the pre-or-post Millennial rapture) after the end of the Millennium.
These are those who will perish in everlasting punishment (i.e., without any chance of future life or redemption) … because they will cease to exist (Matthew 10:28).
ALL human spirits return to GOD upon the death of their body … BUT not all human spirits will receive immortality. It is NOT enough to hear the gospel message of Jesus Christ, because one must also live a life of obedience to the gospel message.
Note: What would be the point of burning someone in everlasting hellfire? No point at all (i.e., except for control and fear by certain churches) … and GOD does NOT burn anyone in hell forever.
Study the Bible … and it can be seen that all evil spirits will perish, including the fallen angels. Note this verse: 1 Corithians 6:3 (i.e., this occurs in the White Throne judgment).
ALL Spirits will stand before Jesus Christ at one of the two judgments mentioned … BUT NOT all at the same time. There are two judgments conducted before Jesus Christ (i.e., as He sits at the right hand of GOD the Father):
- The first judgment coincides with the first Rapture of the dead saints (i.e., GOD’s elect) in 1 Thessalonians 4:16. The first judgment will be a Rewards Judgment for the righteous, redeemed saints (Revelation 22:12). This is where immortality (eternal life) and other rewards are granted (John 10:28).
- Note1: The righteous-redeemed will have eternal life before they take part in the second judgment below (1 Corinthians 6:2-3).
- Note2: The redeemed from the second rapture will join those from the first rapture to take part in the second judgment below.
- Note3: Those who will not receive eternal life will not be resurrected for judgment until after the 1000 reign of Christ. These will include those NOT raptured in the first and second raptures.
- Note4: It is OK to review these events until they are understood … plus, there are many more things that can be learned by further reviews.
- The second judgment is called the White Throne Judgment (Revelation 21:11) for those who will be eternally damned and totally destroyed (Revelation 20:14).
- Note1: The White Throne judgement does not include any spirits raptured in the two previous raptures. These are the damned spirits resurrected at the end of the Millennium … and also includes ALL the fallen angels.
- Note2: Many pretend to do GOD’s work … but they do it for their own gain … and many are deceived by them (Matthew 7:21-23).
Unfortunately, many people believe that they are born with an immortal soul. They hate GOD as being unjust for punishing people forever. Especially since they had no choice in being born into that terrible possibility in the first place.
Many clergy (and congregations) preach about everlasting, agonizing torture in a burning lake of fire for those who do not bow down to their church doctrines.
Unbelievably, but many churches condemn other churches to an eternity of hellfire just because they do not adhere to the same church doctrine as theirs.
The Catholic Church (as well as others) have received condemnations from other churches … but condemning a people for their heartfelt belief in GOD is an extremely dangerous position (Matthew 7:1-2).
GOD judges a person by what is in their heart (1 Samuel 16:7 ). The Apostle Paul rightly provides the umbrella of protection for those who try to serve GOD in all ways they feel is right (Romans 14:22) … regardless of what their own pretensions are.
Before ending this blog … here are some closing thoughts.
Does Jesus Christ have authority over the unredeemed?
No … and they never came to him. They are resurrected to destruction since their deeds have already condemned them. They will cease to exist! See John 5:28-29 and Matthew 10:28). Note: Churches do not like annihilation of the human soul because they lose their biggest fear factor (i.e., burning people in hell forever … which is false). Plus, allowing a fear-factor destroys the notion of a free will without some sort of backdoor coercion … and there is no such thing as an immortal soul that cannot be destroyed.
Are humans born with an immortal soul?
No!!! That is a great clergy toy … (used for burning people in hell forever) … but it is false. Eternal life (immortality) is a gift from GOD through Resurrected-Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:53; 1 Timothy 6:16; John 10: 27-28; Matthew 10:28; John 3:15-16). Learn what the word “perish” means. It does mean annihilation!!!
People are often fooled so that others can profit by taking advantage of them (Jeremiah 23:1).
Increase your knowledge about the kingdom of heaven for your own benefit.
Get this book: GOD’s Truth About Blind Faith … for Dizzy Dummies (by Rev. Randall Braxton Spell, Jr., DD).
Rev. Randall Braxton Spell, Jr., BS, M.Ed., DD
Addendum: For further insight, see the Blog: Two Different Raptures in this series.
Note:* Just in case … Click code: One-4-U … before moving to Heaven. (*Public service notice.)