Purpose: The truth shall make you free (John 8:32)
Warning: Avoid empty doctrines (Mark 7:7)
Many people think they know who Jesus Christ is … but most people do not really know. Most churches seem confused by the Trinity Doctrine … and many of them try to resolve their confusion through a Blind Faith doctrine. There is a remedy for Blind Faith Doctrine exhaustion and church abandonment … and it will be covered in later blogs.
Being in my mid-80’s, I thought it time to reveal the real Jesus Christ before I slip the bounds of earth. I try to benefit all churches without trying to belong to any of them which might draw unwanted attention to them.
These blogs are written at the non-graduate level, but primarily for two groups of people:
First, for those who are simply curious about Christianity but have heard confusing discussions about it from haters and politicians.
Second, for those who are Christians but get most of their information from Sunday School, pews, radio, and TV … without really reading their Bibles.
While these blogs are not written at the kindergarten level, many people will be challenged to explore their understanding further. I will not be surprised to learn that many students become encouraged to pursue higher level degrees to expand their education pedigree.
These blogs are not meant to be long and exhaustive … nor to explore every topic to the end of every tiny bit of data. These topics are designed to be starters … that is … to get people interested in exploring more Biblical data to keep on expanding their knowledge.
At the same time, these blogs are meant to present new concepts in Biblical thinking to expand knowledge in GOD’s earthly and heavenly kingdom.
In fact … as an educator … I learned that most people like shorter chunks of reading. This becomes important when people become bogged down in deeper concentration while trying to develop and expand their thoughts and their understanding.
The tricky part about Biblical study is to realize that the use of parables and symbolism did not just begin with Jesus Christ. The Bible is also composed of over 30% prophetic material which can be highly confusing as the meaning of the symbolism used can fade over the centuries.
It does not matter how many experts have a PhD in Flat Earth theology … the planet is still round.
Many theologians have done a poor job of presenting the true nature of Jesus Christ for many years … while not actually benefitting the people … but aiding and abetting poor thinking in the goals of church leaders and their man-made doctrines.
People who know about Christian politics … also know that the corrupt “Church Age” is ending soon. The new Jewish church age will be introduced by the “two witnesses” … and the 144 thousand virgin male Jews converted by them from traditional Judaism.
But there is no need to close or dismantle any Christian churches. Most churches could increase their memberships by telling the truth about Jesus Christ!
Jesus Christ is NOT who or what most churches teach about HIM. HE absolutely has NOT been around since the beginning of the Earth’s existence … or … has He?
Here is where most people can learn why … or why not … Jesus has been around since even before creation. Here is a baffling statement by Jesus Christ in John 8: 58 where Jesus Christ said He was around before Abraham!
It is in blogs like these in which people can begin to learn to think and to explore the mighty power in GOD’s WORD.
For example, how could Jesus have been around before Abraham existed if Jesus had only just been born a few years before He was talking with these people? The answer will surprise most people … and the factual explanation is not based or wordplay, symbolism, or trickery!
Find out why in the book shown below! Just because something has been taught incorrectly for thousands of years … that does not qualify it as correct because experts said so.
Most people still do not know what the nature and functions of GOD, the WORD, and the HOLY SPIRIT are. The answer to Jesus’ bold claim (and many other answers) is clearly explained in the following book below.
Get this book: GOD’s Truth About Blind Faith … for Dizzy Dummies (by Rev. Randall Braxton Spell, Jr., DD).
I plan to develop 50 to 100 blogs to help people in all 45 thousand Christian denominations worldwide to understand what their churches have not taught them (at least … not yet!). But to be fair … many churches may not really know the truth because they have been taught the same errors for hundreds of years.
Rev. Randall Braxton Spell, Jr., BS, M.Ed., DD
Addendum: Who created the current heavens and earth … and will they really be destroyed? If so, who will create the new heavens and earth? Where will the resurrected saints stay while new heavens and earth are being destroyed … and then being recreated? Get answers like these in future blogs and in the new Blind Faith for Dummies book listed above.