Purpose: The truth shall make you free (John 8:32)
Warning: Avoid empty doctrines (Mark 7:7)
How are the New Jerusalem and Noah’s Ark similar to each other in one primary function? See separate blog for New Jerusalem below.
Both serve as rescue vessels. But how … where is the functional similarity between them?
In its primary mission, the New Jerusalem will be home to all of GOD’s redeemed servants … as they sail through the vastness of space … while the new heavens and new earth are being created (2 Peter 3:13).
Noah’s Ark served as the home and rescue vessel for eight of GOD’s people (and some animals) … as they sailed through the vastness of empty waters … while the Earth was being cleansed (Genesis 7:12-14).
This short blog is being written … not to prove that Noah’s Ark existed … but to alert people how to recognize the real ark if it is ever actually discovered.
There are some ways that a fake Noah’s Ark can be revealed … to stop people from being duped and taken advantage of.
The real Noah’s Ark did NOT have a pilot wheel (or tiller), rudder, oars, or a sail. Why?
Since Noah had no idea where he was going, he had no need to navigate or use:
- a rudder to guide the ark in any direction (i.e., with a steering system).
- oars to maneuver the ark in any way.
- a sail to propel the ark to any destination.
The ark was simply a rescue vessel. It had no destination that we know of
Note: if someone says that they found Noah’s Ark … look for a rudder or mast poles (i.e., a mast pole holds a sail), and oarlocks to hold the oars in place while rowing. If any of those things are present the structure is NOT Noah’s Ark!
Why? Noah’s Ark was nothing but a floating rescue vessel. It was not a vacation transport vessel … and certainly NOT a fun place to be with all those foul odors from animals’ droppings.
Plus, it is doubtful that any of those on the ARK would have been strong enough to use the massive oars that would have been required to row such a gigantic vessel as the Ark.
People are often fooled so that others can profit by taking advantage of them (Jeremiah 23:1).
Increase your knowledge about the kingdom of heaven for your own benefit.
Discover who the real Jesus is. Get this book: GOD’s Truth About Blind Faith … for Dizzy Dummies (by Rev. Randall Braxton Spell, Jr., DD).
Rev. Randall Braxton Spell, Jr., BS, M.Ed., DD
Addendum: See an expanded blog for New Jerusalem: Click Here
Note:* Just in case … Click code: One-4-U … before moving to Heaven. (*Public service notice.)