Tag: new jerusalem



Noah's Big Boat

REAL NOAH’S ARK Purpose: The truth shall make you free (John 8:32) Warning:  Avoid empty doctrines (Mark 7:7)   How are the New Jerusalem and Noah’s Ark similar to each other in one primary function? See separate blog for New Jerusalem  below. Both serve as rescue vessels. But how … where is the functional similarity between them? In its primary mission, the New Jerusalem will be home to all of GOD’s redeemed servants …Read More


Heaven's Gate

THE NEW JERUSALEM   Purpose: The truth shall make you free (John 8:32) Warning:  Avoid empty doctrines (Mark 7:7)   Jesus told His disciples at the Last Supper that He was going away to prepare a place for them (John 14:2-3). What did He mean by that? In that verse Jesus said there are many mansions in His Father’s house … but notice what Jesus is really saying. He is going away toRead More