Heaven's Gate



Purpose: The truth shall make you free (John 8:32)

Warning:  Avoid empty doctrines (Mark 7:7)


Jesus told His disciples at the Last Supper that He was going away to prepare a place for them (John 14:2-3). What did He mean by that?

In that verse Jesus said there are many mansions in His Father’s house … but notice what Jesus is really saying.

He is going away to prepare their own special place … but not one that already exists someplace in one of His Father’s heavenly mansions.

More than likely, a few clever people have already figured out what this special place is and where it will be! But almost no one knows what purposes New Jerusalem will serve.

Have you figured it out yet? Even though I tell you … you may be so new to correct Christian theology that this seems like hype for a new action-packed TV science fiction series.

I am going to tell you later anyway … because I know that eventually most people will get that sudden Aha-moment of realization and understanding.

Why don’t many churches teach about New Jerusalem? The New Jerusalem might not fit into their doctrine. Or they do not understand how New Jerusalem fits into the new Kingdom of GOD … nor what its purpose is.

Nevertheless, New Jerusalem is going to be the corner stone of the Kingdom of GOD in the new heavens and Earth. The former heaven and earth will be gone and forgotten forever (Isaiah 65:17).

The New Jerusalem will eventually come to rest upon the surface of the gigantic New Earth. See these two verses:  Revelation 3:12 and Revelation 21:2.

There is much more about the New Jerusalem … but I will tell you at least one more important fact.

The New Jerusalem will be the home of Resurrected-Jesus Christ and His Saints. Resurrected-Jesus Christ will re-create the new heavens and new earth (Isaiah  65:17 and 2 Peter 3:13).

OK … those observations above are not soul-binding beliefs,  which means you do not have to believe those theologies one way or another … but Blind Faith Christians need to pay attention to what is going on in their Bibles.

It could be that most preachers do not talk about the New Jerusalem because they do not know what it is for nor how to describe it. Reported dimensions make it sound unbelievably big and too large to fit anywhere.

The best way to understand the immense size of the New Jerusalem is to realize that modern physics will not apply in heaven. Especially NOT to a congregation of resurrected immortal spirits with supercharged, dynamic bodies capable of transformations in form and function (1 John 3:2).

The dimensions for New Jerusalem are given in Revelation 21:15-16 (i.e., 1500 miles wide, long, and tall. Most people visualize that shape as a cube (i.e., a really big one!).

But those dimensions for the New Jerusalem … given in the Bible … can represent one of three different shapes (i.e., a cube 1500 miles length, width, and height; a pyramid with a slant height of 1500 miles; or a pyramid with a vertical height of 1500 miles):

  1. One could be a 1500-mile cube with a volume of 3,375,000,000 cubic miles. (The other choices could be one of two pyramids.)
  2. One pyramid-type could have a 1500-mile square base with a vertical height of 1299 miles and a slant height of 1500 miles (volume of 970,000,000 cubic miles).
  3. A second pyramid-type could have a 1500-mile square base with vertical height of 1500 miles instead of 1299 miles (volume = 1,125,000,000 cubic miles).

Remember that the New Jerusalem is a new construction (i.e.,  a really, big one) in a place that already exists (i.e., GOD the Father’s  house).

Even though it is not in a new creation (John 14:2-3) … it is a new construction. Read and understand that verse carefully … because that place is definitely NOT on Earth.

As pointed out (i.e., as a cubic dimension) the size of the New Jerusalem will be immense: 1500 miles x 1500 miles x 1500 miles. If each person had a quarter-mile cubed home (i.e., 1320 ft x 1320 ft x 1320 ft),  … there would be enough space for 20,933,920,705 homes … not a problem whether one needs furniture, utilities, etc., or not.

The New Jerusalem will not fit on a planet the size of old Earth* … and does not have any reason to be there on old Earth anywhere anyway!

*The new Earth will be probably be immense  … like Jupiter size … but it will NOT have any oceans or seas (Revelation 21:1). Nevertheless, there will be a river flowing through the New Jerusalem (Revelation 22:1).

What people really want to know is what they will be like after their death and resurrection … and will they really get to live in the New Jerusalem. Get the powerful new book below that also answers questions like that … and many others.

Get this book: GOD’s Truth About Blind Faith … for Dizzy Dummies (by Rev. Randall Braxton Spell, Jr., DD).


Rev. Randall Braxton Spell, Jr., BS, M.Ed, DD

Addendum: There are at least two purposes for New Jerusalem: (1) Serves as a place for GOD, Jesus, and the resurrected saints to be during the recreation of the new heavens and new earth and (2) New Jerusalem will be the focal point on the New Earth in GOD’s new heavenly kingdom. People are going to find new purposes for it … can you find some?

Note:* Just in case … Click code:  One-4-U … before moving to Heaven. (*Public service notice.)

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