

Purpose: The truth shall make you free (John 8:32)

Warning:  Avoid empty doctrines (Mark 7:7)


Most people in the world have heard about the second-coming event of Jesus Christ that will result in the rapture (i.e., gathering) of His saints.

But is that true?

Yes, partially … but there are two raptures spoken of in the Bible. Unfortunately, most people are distracted by the fanfare of religious media hype fixated on the one-time, second-coming event of the so-called end-times.

Just hang on and this fact will be explained. Many pastors will not like this revelation. It does not satisfy most church doctrines (i.e., with all their “end-time” books and movies available for the money marketing).

While this concept is extremely popular … and incredibly good for church recruiting … it can only  be partially correct. The Bible will show why.

Here is a heads-up for you. Review this link of speculations about “Tribulation Rapture” events. Most people … that believe in the visible rapture … are still confused about when it might  happen for sure:

  • Pre-tribulation rapture – happens before tribulation begins.
  • Mid-tribulation rapture – happens during the tribulation.
  • Post-tribulation rapture – happens at the end of the tribulation.

The point is simple: The Rapture might occur regardless of any type of misguided speculation about when it will occur. Why worry when it will happen? Just be ready! It will occur whether a person is alive … or dead already.

Speaking of being dead already … it does not matter whether a person is alive or dead when the rapture occurs … no one is going to keep the same body they had on Earth.

Why? The human body is going to turn into a pile of dust and dirt (Ecclesiastes 12:7) … but our redeemed spirit will be clothed in a new spectacular, immortality (1 John 3:2).

Churches concentrate too much on the end of this church age culminating in the rapture … but they cleverly do not address salvation in the millennial period.

They concentrate too much on a glorious 1000-reign of Jesus Christ as if there is nothing after that. The 1000-year reign (if it really happens) of Jesus Christ will be covered in another blog.

First, some Christians can have a better understanding of the end times if they realize that there are really Two Raptures (and two end-of-age times).

There is a Christian movie (Before the Wrath, directed by Brent Miller, Jr.) about the first rapture, which depicts the first rapture as foretold by an ancient Galilean wedding. Nicely done, but it only portrays a structure for the first rapture.

There are some clear distinctions that separate the two rapture events.

The First Rapture is a visible event: (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17) … which occurs before the Millennium … with shouting and trumpet blowing. Every eye will see Jesus returning (certainly not as a thief in the night) as prophesied in the following two verses: Revelation 1:7 and Acts 1:-11.

Just remember that the saints at the end of the Millennium must be raptured, too! This second rapture is described in 2 Peter 3:10. Plus, this second rapture is silent (i.e., silent rapture).

There are many good-hearted, well-meaning people … but the Second Rapture is not visible and does come like a thief in the night (Luke 17:34-36).

It is okay to think logically. Although most churches insist on Blind Faith to relieve themselves of responsible teaching. Quite literally, it is impossible to have a rapture that is both visible and loud … but silent … at the same time.

Notice, also, that the earth does not end after the first rapture … but it does end shortly after the second rapture. That is, when the Millennium is over … and the dispensation of mercy and grace for the old earth is over … a new earth will be created.

There are many people who want the old heavens and old earth to remain and to be inhabited by Jesus Christ and all His redeemed saints. That is a popular church teaching. However, that is NOT how the Bible describes eternity-future for GOD’s heavenly kingdom.

The Bible does not prophesy an “old earth” future for the heavens and the earth. See Isaiah 65:17 and 2 Peter 3:13 for GOD’s future plans for us.

Nevertheless, GOD does not have any requirements that anyone must believe in any kind of rapture.

See Revelation 21:1 for the future of GOD’s new heavenly kingdom, which will exist with the New Jerusalem (this point will be presented in a later blog).

No one needs to worry about the coming of a rapture. Just keep on believing that GOD will send Jesus Christ when HE is ready to send Him.

It makes no difference if we are not alive when the rapture occurs. If we have already passed from this Earth, GOD will have our souls (Ecclesiastes 12:7) to give to Jesus when He gets back with all the others for their judgments and rewards (Revelation 22:12).

What people really want to know is what they will be like after their death and resurrection. Get the powerful book below that also answers questions like that … and many others.

Get this book: GOD’s Truth About Blind Faith … for Dizzy Dummies (by Rev. Randall Braxton Spell, Jr., DD).


Rev. Randall Braxton Spell, Jr., BS, M.Ed, DD


Addendum:  This is a recap: There will be more than one big rapture!  The first visible rapture is often called the Tribulation Rapture (1 thessalonians 4: 16-17 and revelation 1:7) … and the second silent rapture is the Millennium Rapture (matthew 24:40-41 and luke 17:34-36).  Also, some parts of the world will be in daytime and some in nighttime … because this is a secret rapture that people will not see as was seen in 1 Thessalonians. Note: See the blog No Mortal Soul for additional insights.

Note:* Just in case … Click code:  One-4-U … before moving to Heaven. (*Public service notice.)

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