Purpose: The truth shall make you free (John 8:32)
Warning: Avoid empty doctrines (Mark 7:7)
The Psalmist asks GOD why HE should even care about humans and their children (Psalm 8:4). I will answer that question a little later on below. (Note: The son of man in that verse in Psalm refers to human children … not to Jesus.)
Here are a couple of answers to questions up front. What are hybrid humans … and can they go to heaven?
Hybrid-humans are created by the introduction of foreign DNA (i.e., animal DNA or other manipulated DNA) into a human gene located on a human chromosome. (Note: Human hybrids can also be manipulated and generated in test tubes and petri dishes).
Even though the manipulated human egg may come to life through live human birth … it is not a valid human being made in the genetic patterns of Genesis 1:26. and such manipulated beings may not receive a human spirit given by God (Ecclesiastes 12:7).
Hybrid bodies will return to dust … but they may not have a spirit to return to God (Ecclesiastes 12:7). If not, they cannot be a part of any rapture or resurrection! That is GOD’s decision … and is known only to HIM.
What about test tube babies (i.e., sometimes called in vitro fertilization or IVF)? Are they real humans? Yes, and they can mature in any healthy human female womb into which they are implanted.
IVF embryos are perfectly fine human beings. A human female ovum is fertilized by a human sperm in a test tube or petri dish. Then the fertilized egg is transferred to a human female womb where it can attach to the uterus wall and start growing.
Note: When the fertilized, implanted embryo starts growing, this step is called conception where human life begins … because a fertilized egg is NOT a live egg. Conception occurs when life begins …. and this is also when humans receive their pre-created spirit … but NOT at fertilization.
The confusion about what a human being is can be cleared up with a little better understanding about what we humans are.
Okay, so what are we? We can answer that by asking, “What is GOD?”
The Bible actually answers the question about GOD in John 4:24 (i.e., GOD is a sentient, powerful spirit) … but is any part of GOD a flesh and blood being?
When GOD created us in HIS image … HE created us in HIS spirit-form … and as such, HE created each of us as a sentient, live spirit (i.e., without a live fleshly body)!
So … what will we look like in a resurrected spirit-form when we return to heaven (i.e., after one of the two raptures)? Note: Most churches do not try to explain but one rapture … but there actually are two raptures explained in the book below.)
When we return to heaven … in our new, resurrected body form … what will we look like?
Well … we do not know … but we are given a fantastic hint in 1 John 3:2.
Be aware that when Jesus-Christ appeared for 40 days after His resurrection, no one saw Him in His glorified form (i.e., similar to the form in which He was revealed in Matthew 17:2.
However, He could do some amazing things with His newly ressurected spirit-body. For example, He could just appear in the midst of people in locked rooms (John 20:19) … and He could eat food, too (Acts 10:40-41).
I do not have a problem with that type of “magic” … after all, Jesus did just float on off to heaven when He ascended (Acts 1:9).
But … let us go back to the fact that GOD created humans in spirit-form. So, why do we have a body (Genesis 2:7)?
The human spirit was given a physical body so that the spirit could move about the earth and manipulate things. But, most important … to procreate more bodies for the human spirits already waiting in heaven to occupy at conception.
Many people lose site of the fact that the human spirit is the important part of a human being … because the human body returns to dust upon death … but the human spirit returns to GOD who gave it (Ecclesiastes 12:7).
Jesus’ body is the one exception … because GOD did not allow Jesus’ body to decay before He was glorified and resurrected (Acts 2:27).
But the human body carries the genetic matrix that identifies the habitation of the human spirit … and the bodies of only three human beings were ever created without the process of human procreation (i.e., Adam and Eve were created by GOD … but Jesus was actually born after GOD directed His creation through the Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit ).
Okay, so what … and who … is our spirit? There is much conjecture about what the Spirit of GOD is … and thus, what our spirit is … but the Bible does not explain what a spirit is.
Nevertheless, the Bible does tell us when and where we will find out. In 1 John 3:2 we find out what we will be and what we will look like.
We do not know who our spirit is. But … we do know exactly who Jesus Christ’s spirit is! This fact is precisely explained in the book listed below.
GOD came the closest to explaining the spirit concept … when Moses asked GOD … Who was sending him back to Egypt to confront the Pharaoh. GOD simply explained Himself as: I am that I am (Exodus 3:14).
To answer the Psalmist’s first question of this blog (i.e., why should GOD even care about humans and their children), the answer is in this verse: John 3:16. Note: the word world in that verse refers to the people … not to the planet Earth.
What people really want to know is what they will be like after their death and resurrection. Get the powerful book below that also answers questions like that … and many others.
Get this book: GOD’s Truth About Blind Faith … for Dizzy Dummies (by Rev. Randall Braxton Spell, Jr., DD).
Rev. Randall Braxton Spell, Jr., BS, M.Ed, DD
Addendum: We will know who our spirit is when we become self-aware of ourselves in heaven … but we already know exactly who Jesus Christ’s spirit is. Get the book above … and find out exactly how we know who Jesus’ spirit really is!
Note:* Just in case … Click code: One-4-U … before moving to Heaven. (*Public service notice.)